Humpday Market 2022 (rental event)

Humpday Market 2022 (rental event)


Wed, November 30    
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Event Type

A public market, offering an eclectic mix of new and favourite vendors
New vendors added weekly
No MLM vendors.
food vendors are licensed
Music, Hot Food and a wonderful and unique list of vendors!
St. John’s Community Market. 245 Freshwater Road
For more information, including event offerings and vendor lists, see their social media: Facebook page | Instagram page
For inquiries, including applying to be a vendor, email:  Or message on their social media!
Note: this is a recurring rental event in the St John’s Community Market Building. It is run by the Humpday Market organizers. It is not an SJFM event, and SJFM staff are not able to assist with event inquiries or applications. Thank you!