Co-op Membership

Would you like to become a member of the St. John’s Farmers’ Market Co-op?

The mission of the Co-operative is to promote and create local food systems and build community through the operation of a cooperatively owned farmers’ market.

First read the Co-op bylaws. If you like what you read, then complete the online application form linked to the right.

Thanks for your interest in the St. John’s Farmers’ Market Co-op.

St. John’s Farmers’ Market Co-Operative
245 Freshwater Road
St. John’s, NL
A1B 1B3

Co-op Committees

The Board of Directors meets monthly but much of the work to move our Co-op forward is done at the Committee level. Each committee is chaired by a Director but it is other members of the Co-op and the community that make up the bulk of each committee.

Getting involved with one of the committees is a great way to contribute to the progress of our farmers’ market. Read through the basic committee descriptions below and decide if one interests you. If you have ideas or opinions on how the St. John’s Farmers’ Market should be doing something then you can help make that happen – and the best place to start is at the committee level.

If you are interested in getting involved or learning more, email

Membership Committee

The main responsibility of this committee is to maintain effective communication between the Board of Directors and the general membership, as well as to engage and encourage growth of the Co-operative membership. They also plan the Annual General Meeting and any other Special Meetings of the Co-operative.

Finance Committee

This group reviews the finances of the Market, maintains the bank account and balance statements, works with the bookkeeper and projects budgets. Finance is always looking for anyone interested in helping cast a critical eye at the Market’s numbers – so join up!

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee’s main objective is to develop and maintain policies for the St. John’s Farmers’ Market Co-operative. The St. John’s Farmers’ Market Policy Manual represents the agreed and adopted policies and operating procedures of the St. John’s Farmers’ Market Co-operative. These policies help to ensure our market is run as smoothly and effectively as possible from season to season. One aspect of the policy committee is to implement the Artisan Jury process which is a set of criteria for determining eligibility to sell at the Market for artisans new to the St. John’s Farmers’ Market.

Marketing and Fundraising Committee

This group oversees the communications and advertising, and some fundraising, for the weekly market. From designing and purchasing ads, to updating this website and our Facebook and Twitter feeds, to attending special events and organizing fundraisers – if you are interested in communications and marketing this is the committee for you.

HR Committee

The HR Committee helps with hiring, workplace wellness, and more!