Hender’s Organic Vegetable Farm

Hender’s Organic Vegetable Farm
Frank Hender
Product Type
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Pre-Orders Available
56 Lodge Road Foxtrap, NL
(709) 834-8289

This family farm located in CBS has been growing vegetables for more than 100 years, and we will be entering our 6th year at the St. John’s Farmers Market. While we cannot justify the cost of Organic Certification for such a small farm of just ¾ of an acre, we grow a variety of vegetables and herbs using organic farming best practices. Since we do not use chemicals, weeding is done by hand picking, burning with propane torch, hoeing and the use of a cultivator. Pests and insects are controlled with BTK (an approved organic farming biological control), insect sticky strips, homemade insect sticky cups using tanglefoot, row covers, and companion planting. Nutrition is based on an organic fertilizer derived from corn and our own sources of manure, compost, fish offal, kelp, wood ash, compost tea, bone meal, crab shells, and limestone is also incorporated into the soil. We supply vegetables to some of St. John’s finest restaurants, including Raymond’s and the Merchant Tavern.
We grow the following vegetables and herbs:
Carrot, beet, green and yellow beans, snow peas, shucking peas, parsnip, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, swiss chard, lettuce, turnip, chives, chive flowers, oregano, basil, rosemary, radishes, leeks, red and yellow onion, kale, and red, blue, white, yellow skin potatoes.

  • Hender’s Organic Vegetable Farm
  • Hender’s Organic Vegetable Farm
  • Hender’s Organic Vegetable Farm
  • Hender’s Organic Vegetable Farm